Hang pictures in Sweet Home 3D

For the planning of an exhibition using a 3D program, I have been looking into how pre-arranged picture frames could be imported into Sweet Home 3D

You would think that it should be pretty easy to import a file containing dimensions in exactly the size you want. Unfortunately Sweet Home 3D can’t do that. So I made a Python script that remotely controls Blender to do this. It creates COLLADA files from JPEG or PDF files that can be imported into Sweet Home 3D.

The whole thing is also available as Docker Image:

docker run -it -v `pwd`:`pwd` ghcr.io/cmahnke/oss-exhibition-tools/image2model:latest --help

The following options are supported:

usage: generate-models.py [-h] (-i [file] | -d [directory] | -s) [-o [directory]] [-z] [-t] [-k] [-p PATTERN]

Generate Collada files from images

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i [file], --input [file]
                        File to convert
  -d [directory], --directory [directory]
                        Path to collect images from
  -s, --setup           Ensure all required modules are present
  -o [directory], --output [directory]
                        Path to write converted files to
  -z, --zip             Compress results to zip file
  -t, --thumbs          Use thumbnails as textures
  -k, --keep            Keep generated files
  -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
                        File pattern for directories, default is '**/*.jpg,**/*.pdf'