Ultraviolet Photogrammetry

This article presents the world’s first HDR model of UV photogrammetry in a browser.


At Zeitzeug the owner’s wallpaper collection is being sold and I have secured a particularly bright example…

Contrast enhancement for UV images using HDR

This example is about a practical use case for HDR visualisation in the browser…


After research, it was necessary to explore some possible workflows and to create tools for a project in preparation. Based on Greg Benz’s preliminary work on HDR support, LibUltraHDR was the most sensible candidate for further experimentation.

DIY Project: Pong Visualisation

DIY Project: Pong Visualisation

For some reason I came up with the idea of visualising Pong

VintageReality launched

The latest blog incubated at the Projektemacher Labs has been started.

3D Models in the browser

Maybe it will become a virtual exhibition about orange ceramics…

Hildesheimer Börde

Hildesheimer Börde

The rest stop “Hildesheimer Börde” on a foggy night.