Tag: Digital images

Articles about digital images, their formats and processing

Ultraviolet Photogrammetry

This article presents the world’s first HDR model of UV photogrammetry in a browser.


At Zeitzeug the owner’s wallpaper collection is being sold and I have secured a particularly bright example…

JavaScript library for HDR

The JavaScript implementation for the last posts is now also available as NPM module.

Contrast enhancement for UV images using HDR

This example is about a practical use case for HDR visualisation in the browser…


After research, it was necessary to explore some possible workflows and to create tools for a project in preparation. Based on Greg Benz’s preliminary work on HDR support, LibUltraHDR was the most sensible candidate for further experimentation.

Pong Visualisation

Pong Visualisation

For some reason I came up with the idea of visualising Pong

VintageReality launched

The latest blog incubated at the Projektemacher Labs has been started.

IIIF Proxy

To improve the ‘displayability’ of digital objects such as coins and books, I have written a proxy for IIIF resources…


Since my blogs are managed on GitHub, the images have to be stored as storage-saving as possible…