About me

More on me and this page.

Life and work


I live and work in Göttingen and Westerland / Sylt.

Professional focus


My professional focus is on various topics from the spectrum of digital libraries and museums:

  • Full texts and metadata

    • TEI / Digital editions
    • OCR
    • Search technologies (Solr / ElasticSearch)
    • XML technologies
    • IIIF
  • (Mass-) Digitisation

    • Workflow automatisation
  • Digital images

    • Image processing
  • Programming

    • Java
    • PHP
    • Python
    • Groovy
    • Go
  • Web development

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaSript / TypeScript
  • DevOps

    • Git / GitHub
    • Docker / Kubernetes / Cloud



Old presentations


  • Fieseler C., Mahnke C. (2013): CERL Thesaurus used in an electronic edition of 18th-century university lectures, CERL Newsletter 27, Juni 2013
  • Voigt K., Mahnke C., Dr. Tech M., Dogan M. (2014): Heyne Digital - Exploring the origins of Classical Archaeology through a digital edition, Conference proceedings QQML 2014


  • 6.12. - 17.12.2022: “Spurensuche im Sylter Archiv - Zum Leben und Werk von Wilma Bräuner (1891 – 1985)” - Stadtgalerie „Alte Post“, Sylt / OT Westerland with Evelyn Kraßmann.


In the last few years I had the opportunity to be an extra in short films:

Evelyns Geschichte


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Here I play myself and accompany a very good friend with a serious illness to the flea market.

Black as Chalk - Snake Handler


External Content

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Also in this video I play myself - sitting at the computer looking grimly…


A list of my blogs on specific topics can be found on Projektemacher.org. I am also involved in Nebeleule.de.


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This page is a project by Christian Mahnke.

Contact is possible via E-Mail.