I bought a Japanese colour woodcut by Imao Keinen (1855-1924)…
HDR images in the browser
For a project in preparation I have compiled a list of links to HDR on the web or in the browser.
Data Containers
Even if it is not necessarily the intended use case, Docker makes it very easy to package large amounts of data with applications for simplified provisioning (such as APIs). This can be particularly helpful if, for example, standardisation data from different sources is to be merged for data enrichment.
Pong Visualisation
Etching byKurt Mühlenhaupt (1921-2006)
I found an etching by Kurt Mühlenhaupt (1921-2006)…
VintageReality launched
The latest blog incubated at the Projektemacher Labs has been started.
3D Models in the browser
Maybe it will become a virtual exhibition about orange ceramics…
Etching by Marie Gey-Heinze (1881-1908)
I have acquired an etching by Marie Gey-Heinze (1881-1908)…
Mystery Box
I bought a (more or less) mysterious box:
Christmas 2023
Merry Christmas to all readers, this year again there is a present…