To improve the ‘displayability’ of digital objects such as coins and books, I have written a proxy for IIIF resources…
Christmas 2021
Merry Christmas to all readers, this year there is a present…
IIIF Conference 2021: Scaling down...
Today I gave my talk about the infrastructure of my blogs at this year’s IIIF conference.
As of today there is an additional Instagram channel. This is just an experiment for now. But what has already annoys me me: There doesn’t seem to be an official and stable API for creating posts / uploading images - very disappointing!
DIY Project: Phone case
Today, once again, one of the rather rare non-digital projects: A cover for my new phone.
Summer break
This spring has not yet offered the most spring-like weather, but it should be better next week… started
Finally, the last of the blogs stared during the second Corona Lockdown is now online!
Since my blogs are managed on GitHub, the images have to be stored as storage-saving as possible…
IIIF Konferenz 2021
I will present my Corona projects at this year’s IIIF conference! gestartet
In order to have a page in the future that can easily break for a few days and to be able to present some things half-finished, there is now the Projektemacher Labs.