
Finally, the last of the blogs stared during the second Corona Lockdown is now online!


Since my blogs are managed on GitHub, the images have to be stored as storage-saving as possible…

IIIF Konferenz 2021

I will present my Corona projects at this year’s IIIF conference! gestartet

In order to have a page in the future that can easily break for a few days and to be able to present some things half-finished, there is now the Projektemacher Labs.

Living room renovated

In addition to my blogs, I used the corona period to renovate my living room. Here, too, I was able to realise some ideas that were years old:

Christmas 2020

"Die Weihnachtsgeschichte" by Rudolf Koch

As the Advent season begins…

Der erste Beitrag

After the site went online in the last few months to unite my old Tumblr blogs and the projects of the first Corona Lockdown under a single

one roof as an umbrella brand, mine is now starting personal homepage.