
Social Media channel "updated"

Even if nothing has happened yet, I can now also be reached as via Mastodon.

And since nothing has happened on the Projektemacher Instagram channel for ages, I’ve replaced the link in the footer.

Haptic Feedback

A page from "Textil-Atlas: ein Lehrbuch und Nachschlagebuch für den Textileinzelhandel und die Gewebeverarbeitung: Textilwarenkunde und Gewebemuster" by Wilhelm Spitschka made tangible with IIIF

Another contribution from the Projektemacher Labs…

911TV as desktop application

A website as a media installation using the example of 911TV

I had some time, since I was ill:

“Seelischerkrankte Krankenhaus” (Mental health hospital)

An example for the change in terms for psychiatric institutions
“Seelischerkrankte Krankenhaus” (Mental health hospital)

I usually avoid buying reproductions…

IIIF Online Meeting 2024

I will present my IIIF HDR project at this year’s IIIF Online Meeting!

Climate change in art...

Visually determine camera positions with geodata in Blender
Climate change in art...

…is “old news” by now: Neither when it comes to the effects that can be recognised in old works, nor as an object of art itself.

Ultraviolet Photogrammetry

3D model of a uranium glass object exposed to UV light

This article presents the world’s first HDR model of UV photogrammetry in a browser.


HDR images via the IIIF Image API

At Zeitzeug the owner’s wallpaper collection is being sold and I have secured a particularly bright example…

JavaScript library for HDR

The JavaScript implementation for the last posts is now also available as NPM module.